Monday, December 3, 2007

Meet The New Supercops

Popular Mechanics has an interesting feature on the coming police state. This is all, of course, for our protection.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I weep for the country

If this is indicative of how most American high school students think, we are in big trouble. Is this a sign that education is working as intended?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

EU 'should expand beyond Europe'

Europe apparently isn't big enough to contain the European Union anymore. At least according to David Wright Miliband, the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary. You'd think that the sea would make a good natural boundary for Europe but Miliband is thinking bigger than that.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Is Ron Paul Anti Semetic?

Haaretz has been running a feature devoted to tallying which US Presidential candidate would be best for Israel. They haven't included Dr. Paul in this tally for various reasons but this week the pundit behind the Israel Factor wrote about Ron Paul. The Israel Factor wanted to answer the question " does Ron Paul single out Israel?"

The Haaretz piece claims that Paul isn't particularly hostile towards Israel and thus isn't an anti semite. This isn't an endorsement, of course. There is a bit of a hostile tone in this piece though its a lot more reasonable and even handed than some things you'll read about Paul in the US Press.

"Paul's supporters can be blamed for many things, but not for being lazy or careless about the political process." This is an interesting quote. Some CFR loving hack angling for a column at the Washington Post or the like will just call Ron Paul a fruitcake. Rosner uses a more refined technique: A generalized negative remark which cannot be rebutted because of its very lack of specificity. The negative impression on the reader is gained without risking being caught in a lie since, no doubt, anyone "can be blamed for many things."

Friday, October 26, 2007

More Ron Paul supported by Nazis nonsense

So the Lone Star Times has just uncovered a big scoop. The owner of sent Ron Paul a $500.00 check. Stormfront is a white Pride/Power/Nationalist/Supremacy forum where people can debate the merits of Hitler vs the founding fathers as role model's for today's whites and other such pressing issues. Many people on the site have neo nazi sympathies. Henceforth Ron Paul is being financially supported by Nazis. Oh Noes!

Of course Paul doesn't support corporatism or invading and colonizing Russia for the betterment of the volk but "These abstract debates are now moot– a contribution to the Paul campaign by a known white-supremacist has been identified."

Naturally, the Lone Star Times wants Paul not to use the money. "The difficulty in this instance is that if Ron Paul returns these funds to Mr. Black, all he will have done is given a neo-Nazi $500 more dollars with which to spread his psychotic bile." So how about Paul just keep the money and continue promoting his entirely non nazi agenda? That'll show that silly Nazi for supporting a libertarian, right? Well, no. The Lone Star Times has other ideas.

"We would therefore like to suggest that the Ron Paul campaign donate Black’s $500 to any of the following worthy recipients–

  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ($500 would make Dr. Paul a “sustaining member”)
  • One Family Fund (which works to rebuild the shattered lives of Israeli victims of Arab terror; $500 would make Dr. Paul a “healer”)
  • Aish Ha’Torah (dynamic Jewish educational foundation; Aish donations are set according to funky Kabbalah-based giving levels–$18, $36, $180, etc.–but for $500 Dr. Paul could simultaneously become a “Friend of the Wall” and a “Gate of Wisdom,” which would entitle him to both a Sterling Silver Menorah bookmark with certificate of authenticity from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, and a Western Wall Images CD with over 500 unique photos of life at the Western Wall– perfect “re-gifting” items for the fast-approaching Hanukkah season)"
What no option for him to support families struggling under Israeli occupation? :)

I love how they sign it:

"We try to be helpful.

Matt Bramanti, Managing Editor (Gentile Stooge)
David Benzion, Publisher (Z.O.G. Chapter #1948 President)"

I have another suggestion. How about Dr Paul uses that money as part of an ad campaign denouncing the use of force to solve international conflicts? He could specifically focus on the use of violence against people who can not be construed as a real threat to the USA. That would be a decidedly non Hitler thing to do with the money, wouldn't it?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

House Passes Native Hawaiian Bill

The US House of Representatives just passed the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization act of 2007. This bill would give Indigenous Hawaiian the right to form a governing entity that could negotiate with the feds on their behalf. Bush wants to veto it. The New Republic thinks the act is racist and could lead Hawaii on the path to secession. Why the dreaded cancer of separatism could spread even to the 48 states themselves!

This is fine and dandy by me. I'd love to have my own autonomous oblast.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

American kids, dumber than dirt

I recently read this article that claims that American kids are a bunch of good for nothing idiots. The article suggests that things like video games and television are to blame. They certainly could play a role but some could argue that our kids have been deliberately dumbed down for some time....

H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

“The threat of a ‘Made in the USA’ suicide bomber has never been greater,” said [Rep. Jane ] Harman [D-CA]. “This bill, though not a silver bullet, will help develop a better understanding of the root causes of homegrown terrorism, and the steps we can take to stop it. We must intervene before a person crosses the line separating radical views from violent behavior, create an environment that discourages disillusionment and alienation, and instill in young people a sense of belonging and faith in the future.”

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New submachine gun could shake up the firearms world

This is pretty impressive. Be sure to watch the video on the page.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Perhaps these socialists need to figure out what the principle contradiction is

Socialist Worker recently ran this piece attacking Ron Paul. They certainly have every right to endorse whoever they chose, but I think they need to get their priorities and facts straight. First off, Paul has said that he wouldn't eliminate what little welfare for poor people there is in the USA. He expressed that it is military industrial complex welfare that has to go because thats where the real welfare is.

That being said Socialist Worker thinks that the crumbs of welfare are more important than ending the slaughter overseas and the looming police state in the USA. Socialist worker also thinks that negative positions with regards to the UN is a terrible act. Last I saw the UN wasn't able to keep strong countries from running over the weak. The UN hasn't been able to accomplish much for Palestinians or Iraqis, for example.

This reminds me of the Communist rhetoric about contradictions. Basically, if people's basic living needs aren't being met then stuff like Gay Marriage is pretty much going to have to take a back seat. Socialist Worker seems to think that subsidies for the poorer people in America is far more important than ending the war and preventing a war with Iran. A Ron Paul presidential victory would certainly be better for a lot of Arabs and Persians, they wouldn't have to worry about their countries being attacked. But I'm sure that they will understand when Socialist Worker tells them that entitlements for Americans are more important than their lives ever could be.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

ADl: Ron Paul an "extremist"

I think its better to be lumped in with "extremist" groups that are opposed to the empire nonsense than to be associated with spies and defamers who serve the powers that be.

It's As Ridiculous As If They'd Given Goebbels One in 1938

Counterpunch has a great article about Al Gore's nobel peace prize. I highly recommend that you check that article out.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Anti Paul Propaganda: Neo-Nazis love him

How outrageous that some racist people are supporting Ron Paul over a sensible GOP candidate who wants to bomb a bunch of foreigners and rule over them.

Clinton Steps Away From Pro-Israel Lobby on Measure to Rein in President

Apparently it is “Anti Israeli” to insist that the President gets Congress' approval before launching attacks on Iran. Last I heard bombing a country was an act of war and under the US Constitution only Congress can declare war. There shouldn't even be a need for this measure because the Constitution expressly prohibits this sort of thing.

This is the first good thing Hillary's done. Of course she voted for Lieberman's blank check to allow Bush to invade Iran so this may just be damage control.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Speeding drivers face DNA swabs under new Big Brother powers

This is just ridiculously intrusive. The state gets a permanent file on you complete with a DNA sample for speeding or littering.

The movie V for Vendetta presents some sort of totalitarian state imposed on Britain by the religious right. In actuality the secular, center left Labor party has taken that country closer to the world of V than the likes of the torries.

Monday, October 8, 2007

U.S. considered radiological weapon

I just found this interesting article on yahoo. At one time the US was considering using radiological weapons for assassination purposes. Its reminiscent of Alexander Litvinenko's death.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ron Paul on Wolf Blitzer's show

Wolf Blitzer has long been my “favorite” pundit/anchor/commissar. The pseudo intellectual liberal types know what they hear from O'Reilly is garbage but they easily fall for the likes of Blitzer. Blitzer has a history with AIPAC a powerful foreign lobby that is very much pro war. Look at how he treats anti war Republican candidate Ron Paul in these two youtube videos. He strives to make you know that Paul is a long shot or he has no chance. Sure its not as bad as O'Reilly showing images of evil looking Mohammedans while Paul speaks. But Blitzer is still trying to present Paul as irrelevant. Its similar to the propaganda about needing to support pro War Senator John Kerry because he was electable. Paul may not have the support of most republicans but he has enough pull to scare "them" somewhat.

you may have seen this one already its from May

Heres a new one from this week

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