Friday, October 26, 2007

More Ron Paul supported by Nazis nonsense

So the Lone Star Times has just uncovered a big scoop. The owner of sent Ron Paul a $500.00 check. Stormfront is a white Pride/Power/Nationalist/Supremacy forum where people can debate the merits of Hitler vs the founding fathers as role model's for today's whites and other such pressing issues. Many people on the site have neo nazi sympathies. Henceforth Ron Paul is being financially supported by Nazis. Oh Noes!

Of course Paul doesn't support corporatism or invading and colonizing Russia for the betterment of the volk but "These abstract debates are now moot– a contribution to the Paul campaign by a known white-supremacist has been identified."

Naturally, the Lone Star Times wants Paul not to use the money. "The difficulty in this instance is that if Ron Paul returns these funds to Mr. Black, all he will have done is given a neo-Nazi $500 more dollars with which to spread his psychotic bile." So how about Paul just keep the money and continue promoting his entirely non nazi agenda? That'll show that silly Nazi for supporting a libertarian, right? Well, no. The Lone Star Times has other ideas.

"We would therefore like to suggest that the Ron Paul campaign donate Black’s $500 to any of the following worthy recipients–

  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ($500 would make Dr. Paul a “sustaining member”)
  • One Family Fund (which works to rebuild the shattered lives of Israeli victims of Arab terror; $500 would make Dr. Paul a “healer”)
  • Aish Ha’Torah (dynamic Jewish educational foundation; Aish donations are set according to funky Kabbalah-based giving levels–$18, $36, $180, etc.–but for $500 Dr. Paul could simultaneously become a “Friend of the Wall” and a “Gate of Wisdom,” which would entitle him to both a Sterling Silver Menorah bookmark with certificate of authenticity from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, and a Western Wall Images CD with over 500 unique photos of life at the Western Wall– perfect “re-gifting” items for the fast-approaching Hanukkah season)"
What no option for him to support families struggling under Israeli occupation? :)

I love how they sign it:

"We try to be helpful.

Matt Bramanti, Managing Editor (Gentile Stooge)
David Benzion, Publisher (Z.O.G. Chapter #1948 President)"

I have another suggestion. How about Dr Paul uses that money as part of an ad campaign denouncing the use of force to solve international conflicts? He could specifically focus on the use of violence against people who can not be construed as a real threat to the USA. That would be a decidedly non Hitler thing to do with the money, wouldn't it?

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